Graphic Designer

JAC Recruitment

  • กรุงเทพฯ
  • 40,000-60,000 บาท/เดือน
  • งานประจำ
  • ฟูลไทม์
  • 22 วันที่ผ่านมา
Graphic Designer/Motion Graphic Designer** Please attach your CVs and portfolios when applying for this job.Job Description:
  • Get requirement to develop mock-up screens, themes, and system layouts.
  • Create and design online and offline promotional and marketing material based on the company's needs.
  • Create promotional materials for marketing campaigns, including web banners, social media visuals, infographics, and educational guides.
  • Analyze business requirements and processes to identify suitable solutions.
  • Craft functional and technical specifications, test cases, and relevant documentation.
  • Collaborate with the team throughout the system development and deployment phases.
  • Hold a bachelor's degree or higher in computer engineering, computer sciences, information technology, software engineering, or related fields.
  • Accumulate 3 or more years of experience in Graphic designer within the E-Commerce or NFT sector.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in prototyping tools, such as Figma, Sketch, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
  • For Motion Graphic Designer need to have experience in Adobe Creative Suite: primarily After Effects, Premier Pro, Photoshop, and Illustrator.
  • Capable of crafting detailed technical specifications, showcasing excellent documentation skills.
  • Experience in designing social media banners, offline event banner, printed media artwork.
  • Possess strong interpersonal skills, showcasing maturity, hard work, self-initiative, enthusiasm, and a service-oriented mindset.
  • Strong in both spoken and written English.

JAC Recruitment