English Teacher


  • 桃園市楊梅區
  • 長期
  • 兼職
  • 1個月前
【工作內容】 Welcome to BCES!
In the future, children will become the master of the world. They may invent something unbelievable to twist the world, or create something which can take the world by storm. All we can do is to provide children with high quality education to inspire their potential. We can also help them to get used to the English in order to connect to the world in the future.
We are English educational institution located in Taoyuan, Yang Mei. If you are interested in any occupation related to educating. Please connect us.a.English teaching
b.Manage 5-20 students.
c.Prepare teaching material to support our curriculum.
d.Teaching conversational skills.
e.Teaching grammar skills.
f.Having a big interested in Teaching.【工作制度/性質】 工作時間: 晚班、假日班工作性質: 兼職
工作性質: 長期兼職
職務類別: 語文補習班老師
工作位置: 桃園市楊梅區新農街553號
工作福利: 員工旅遊、工作獎金、彈性上下班、外語應用、員工聚餐【要求條件】 身份類別: 不拘
工作經驗: 工作經驗不拘
學歷限制: 大學以上
科系限制: 教育學門、英美語文學類、其他外國語文學類語言能力: 「英文」 聽-精通/ 說-精通/ 讀-精通/ 寫-精通
附加條件: 良民證(依教育局規定提供)【福利制度】 法定項目: 勞保、健保、陪產檢及陪產假、育嬰假
福利制度: 保險類 - 員工團保【職務需求】 到職日期: 急徵



  • English Teacher


    • 桃園市楊梅區
    【工作內容】 a.English teaching b.Manage…
    • 1個月前
  • English Teacher


    • 桃園市楊梅區
    to get used to the English in order to ... the future. We are English educational …
    • 1個月前