Machinery equipment upgrade supervisor (Interpreter)

QHR Recruitment

  • จังหวัดชลบุรี
  • งานประจำ
  • ฟูลไทม์
  • 16 วันที่ผ่านมา
ประเภทธุรกิจManufacturing(Machinery)สายงานAdmin/Interpreter/Secretaryสถานที่ทำงานChonburiเงินเดือน40K upรายละเอียดเงินเดือน40K up การคำนวณค่าจ้าง 1-สิ้นเดือน จ่ายเงินเดือนทุกวันที่7 ของเดือนถัดไป ผ่านบัญชีธนาคารกรุงเทพสาขาในจ.ระยองเท่านั้น (ช่วงทดลองงาน ฐานค่าจ้าง,ค่าตำแหน่ง,ค่าภาษา,ค่าเช่าบ้าน จ่ายเฉพาะวันที่มาทำงาน)เวลาทำงานMon-Sat 8.00-05.00 p.m.สวัสดิการ1. House rent 2,000 baht
2. Travel cost 40 baht per day.
3. Food costs per day for 80 days
4. Initial diligence allowance 300,500,700,900 /month
5. Year of service reward after working for one year
6. Personal accident insurance Treatment cost not exceeding 20,000 baht/case/year (unlimited number of times)
7. Thank you for your kindness.
8. Birthday gifts, New Year's gifts, Songkran festival
9. Assistance in case of death of father, mother, husband, wife, child 5,000 baht
10. Assistance in the event of the death of an employee 10,000 baht
11. Bonus according to company performance
12. Uniform shirt, safety equipment
13. Annual health check
14. Annual rest day When working for 1 year, 6 days and a maximum of 12 days per year.
15. Traditional holidays, public holidays 18 days a year.
16. Have the opportunity to study and work in China.
17. Social Securityวันหยุด-สถานีที่ใกล้ที่สุดminutes on footเนื้อหางานTake care of and translate various documents in the department, translate and record meetings. Coordinate with various departments related
- Other work within the department as assigned by the supervisor.คุณสมบัติ1. Have working experience of 1 year or more in the manufacturing industry or machinery management.
2. Be proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing in both Chinese and Thai. and basic English listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Thai people have an HSK5 test score or higher. Chinese people are proficient in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Thai.
3. Software skills: Expert in office software. (including but not limited to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio)
4. Understand the operating model of the manufacturing sector. Have basic business etiquette and have skills in writing official documents
5. Any gender 22-30 years old with bachelor's degree

QHR Recruitment