OE (Operations Engineering) - Principal Manufacturing Engineer


  • 桃園市蘆竹區
  • 長期
  • 全職
  • 13天前
【工作內容】 【Job Overview】This role is embedded in the Automation Technology Group within our Global Operations Engineering team in Taiwan.【Your responsibilities】● Lead and develop a team of experts to support the production in high-speed assembly and packaging of our autoinjector systems
● Understand current practices and develop new or improved assembly processes, automation solutions and automated inspection methodologies based on in-depth processing experience, automation engineering fundamentals and equipment design knowledge.
● Promote use of new technologies and industry-leading trends. Provide highest level of technical expertise
● Lead engineering accountability for automated assembly and test equipment, device assembly and corresponding processes within our production system
● Collaborate closely with Plant / Production manager, automation vendors and maintenance, quality and process development on performance/process improvements and trouble shooting
● Lead the development of improvement plans and requirements for capacity expansion and future equipment generations and production setups
● Lead improvement programs and capacity deployment in device assembly and packaging automation
● Accountable for manufacturing acceptance of new assembly and test equipment in regular production
● Lead Design For Manufacturing (DFM) and definition of manufacturing requirements for new products and product care initiatives
● Organize and lead plant level training activities to improve assembly / automation problem solving capabilities and process efficiencies【Your qualification】● Degree in Mechanical Engineering, Automation or similar education/experience
● Minimum 15 years of relevant industry experience; hands-on experience with high-speed automated assembly of plastic and metal components
● Deep understanding of equipment design, process automation and relevant sub-systems (pneumatic/electric actuators, cam-driven pick and place systems, optical/capacitive/inductive and other sensor technologies, servo-driven systems)
● Experience with commissioning, qualification and validation of large automation equipment and processes
● Thorough understanding and hands-on experience with Siemens and/or Beckhoff PLC based
systems, common sensor and actuator system, and vision technologies
● Hands-on experience in programming PLC/IPC and SCADA is highly preferred
● Advanced knowledge of common problem-solving and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) methodologies
● Proven track record in leading and developing a team of highly specialized experts; management experience
● Passionate & committed self-starter with “can do” attitude, team player and taking responsibility to get the job done
● Previous exposure to a highly regulated industry (e.g. medical, pharmaceutical) and knowledge of relevant standards (e.g. ISO13485, cGMP) is a plus
● Intercultural and interdisciplinary communication skills; able to communicate effectively in English (verbal, written)
● Ability to communicate in Mandarin is a plus【We offer】● Competitive compensation package
● Flexible hours and working from home policy.
● Modern working environment with state-of-the-art facilities and technologies
● Challenging assignments in a fast growing and innovative industry
● Position in a dynamic, international team of highly skilled professionals
● Various opportunities for personal and professional development within a global organization【工作制度/性質】 工作時間: 日班
休假制度: 週休二日
工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上)工作性質: 全職
職務類別: 機電技師/工程師、生產技術/製程工程師、機械工程師
工作位置: 桃園市蘆竹區六福路36號【要求條件】 身份類別: 不拘
工作經驗: 10~11年以上
學歷限制: 大學以上
科系限制: 機械工程學類、電機工程學類、電子工程學類、工業工程學類語言能力: 「英文」 聽-中等/ 說-中等/ 讀-中等/ 寫-中等【福利制度】 法定項目: 產假、員工體檢、勞退提繳金、職災保險、哺乳室、有合作托兒中心、勞保、健保、加班費、週休二日、陪產檢及陪產假、育嬰假、生理假、特別休假
福利制度: 獎金類 - 年節獎金、員工生日禮金、年終獎金、三節獎金、績效獎金
保險類 - 員工團保
餐飲類 - 伙食津貼
交通類 - 上下班交通車、員工停車位或停車補助
設備類 - 員工餐廳、按摩室
娛樂類 - 國內旅遊、國外旅遊、員工聚餐、尾牙、家庭日
補助類 - 社團補助、員工結婚補助、生育補助、子女教育補助、員工國內‧外進修補助、員工退休規劃(包括退休金及退休後之福利等)、員工及眷屬喪葬補助、員工購物優惠、國內‧外旅遊補助
其 他 - 良好升遷制度、員工在職教育訓練
1. 提供完善的薪資及福利制度(含三節、年終、績效獎金與員工酬勞等) Comprehensive salary and benefits
2. 年度員工健康檢查 Annual health check program
3. 員工團體保險(含意外險、防癌險、醫療險) Group insurance program
4. 優於勞基法特休天數Better package in annual leave with pay
5. 彈性工作時間 Flexible working hours
6. 生育、婚喪補助金、旅遊津貼 Subsidies of travel, birth, marriage and funeral grants etc.
7. 教育訓練(新進同仁訓練、OJT訓練、證照訓練、語文訓練、管理訓練等) Training programs (New employee orientation, OJT, licensing, language and management training etc.)
8. 多元開放的工作環境 Diverse and open working environment【職務需求】 需求人數: 1 人
到職日期: 不限
