Program Assistant IP Child Psych Evening Shift

Brattleboro Retreat

  • Brattleboro, VT
  • Permanent
  • Full-time
  • 23 hours ago
Job Summary: Coordinates and/or organizes a wide range of administrative and program functions. Ensuresthe orderly transference of communication between all units in all divisions. Has the capacity to function withindependent decision making abilities in a treatment center environment.QUALIFICATIONS:1. High school diploma; some college preferred.2. Two years of clinical experience or clerical/administrative experience in a clinical setting, either at theRetreat or in a comparable setting.3. Strong PC Skills including fluency in Microsoft Office applications, spreadsheet and intra-net softwarerequired.4. Demonstrated writing, listening and organizational skills.5. Ability to synthesize complex clinical information and produce written documents.ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:Core CompetenciesCoordinates and assists the treatment teams to organize their workload following criteria established byMedical Records Committee.Assists treatment center staff during a medical/psychiatric emergency on the unit.Organizes, identifies and schedules patient treatment planning sessions in an efficient manner.Takes notes and compiles information for treatment plans and revisions in an efficient and organized manner.This information will be in the patient record within one working day.Is responsible clerically for final draft of the treatment plans. Proofreads and signs final copy and directs toappropriate physician for patient and physician signatures. Final draft will be in the patient record within threeworking days.Attends, maintains an agenda for, and takes minutes of program meetings including, but not limited to,Administrative Team meeting, staff meetings, in-services, case conferences, and any other meeting as requiredby the program. Shares responsibility for Division/Service Meeting minutes with other Assistants asappropriate.Organizes and implements an appropriate system to establish agendas for aforementioned meetings, asevidenced by follow through on issues documented in earlier minutes and no more than three substantiatedcomplaints per year.Makes minutes available in final draft to appropriate groups within one week of said meeting.Maintains an organized record of program administrative functions as evidenced by up-to-date logs of allprogram minutes and records as noted by supervisor.Serves as active member of program administrative committees and teams as defined, as evidenced byattendance and participation in minutes.May be called upon to represent assigned program on hospital wide committees as assigned by program orsupervisor, as evidenced by documentation in minutes.With Administrator, develops and implements policies and procedures specific to each division, which arecompatible with Brattleboro Retreat policies and procedures. Maintains current comprehensive manuals, asnoted by supervisor's periodic checks.Serves as an active member of the Program Quality Improvement, audits charts for compliance with Treatmentplans, nursing documentation, nursing notes to reflect compliance with treatment plans.Assists Administrator with management of the daily activities of the assigned program.Designs, suggests and implements systems intended to improve the efficiency of communication andadministrative functioning of the assigned program as noted by supervisor.Works independently in gathering and compiling key data for the program decision-making process.Coordinates, compiles, and reports program evaluation findings to administrative team at least annually asevidenced by documentation in the meeting minutes.Advises and keeps Administrator appraised on status of the aforementioned.May perform specific assigned program duties in emergency situations such as participating in shows-ofsupportor evaluation of program.Maintains current comprehensive manuals, as noted by supervisor's periodic checks.Assists Administrator with management of the daily activities of the assigned program.Maintains group schedules as assigned by therapists. May creates group schedules as assigned.evening shift
40 hrs/week

Brattleboro Retreat