【高雄_全球百大外商集團】EHS Supervisor/職業衛生安全管理/薪資優渥/年假多/英文環境


  • Yong'an, Kaohsiung City
  • Permanent
  • Full-time
  • 24 days ago
【工作內容】 Responsibilities:
- Monitor safety on-site and update rules when needed.
- Make sure EHS plans are followed, including training and inspections.
- Communicate Commissioning activities for safe construction and commissioning.
- Take action for non-compliance, including stopping work if needed.
- Share information on safety trends with site management.
- Help manage subcontractors' safety and audits.
- Communicate GE Framework & audit requirements, and manage training needs.
- Implement site risk assessment process and review safety documentation.
- Report and analyze all safety events.
- Maintain a fair and just culture at the site.
- Advise site management on legal and safety concerns.
- Implement emergency plans, security programs, and site access control.
- Provide reports using Smartsheet and other instructed means.
- Keep project records and documentation.
- Communicate with customers and EHS authorities.
- Review and approve assignments of subcontractors' safety professionals.
- Participate in continuous improvement by giving safety-related feedback.Qualifications:
- Bachelor's degree in science with safety engineering, environmental engineering, or chemistry preferred.
- Fair English communication skills.
- Possess Level B Occupational Safety Management Specialist and/or Occupational Health Management Specialist.
- At least 2-5 years relevant experience.Ps.
1.此為外商合約制工作(Contractor),專案為一年一簽,後依照專案需求及個人績效評估安排續聘 / 調薪 / 轉正
2. 期待有2-5年以上的營建工程領域EHS 相關經驗
3. 乙級職業安全衛生證照為必須【工作制度/性質】 工作時間: 日班
休假制度: 週休二日、固定休六‧日
工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上)工作性質: 全職
職務類別: 職業安全衛生管理人員、工地安全衛生工程師、工廠安全衛生人員
工作位置: 高雄市永安區興達發電廠【要求條件】 身份類別: 一般求職者、原住民、中高齡
工作經驗: 2~3年以上
學歷限制: 專科以上
科系限制: 不拘語言能力: 「英文」 聽-中等/ 說-中等/ 讀-中等/ 寫-中等【福利制度】 法定項目: 週休二日、勞保、健保
福利制度: 保險類 - 意外險【職務需求】 需求人數: 2~3 人
到職日期: 不限
