Backend Engineer_先進工業無線通訊解決方案新事業發展部(桃三)

  • Taoyuan District, Taoyuan City
  • Permanent
  • Full-time
  • 7 days ago
全職碩士面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)應徵人數:需求人數: 1人到職日:不限全職 碩士 面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上) 桃園市 桃園區 興隆路工作內容Key Responsibilities-
  • Responsible for the development and maintenance of backend services, primarily using Java and the Spring framework.
  • Design and implement efficient and reliable RESTful APIs, providing services for frontend teams and other relevant systems.
  • Participate in Code Review to ensure code quality and adherence to standards.
  • Manage and maintain cloud architecture, including but not limited to Kubernetes (K8S) and Terraform.
  • Design and implement system monitoring to ensure stable operation and optimize performance.
  • Manage and analyze logs, assisting in troubleshooting and issue tracking.
  • Ensure the security of the system, covering vulnerability management, risk assessment, and the implementation of security measures.
  • Collaborate with frontend teams and other relevant teams, coordinating development tasks and resolving related issues.
Basic Qualifications-
  • Possess extensive Java development experience, familiar with relevant frameworks and tools such as Spring, Sprint-Cloud, etc.
  • Familiar with Git version control system, demonstrating strong code management and collaboration skills, proficient in effectively using Git for version control, branch management, and merge operations.
  • Proficient in database management and design, with the ability to write and optimize SQL queries, design and optimize database structures, and experience with common database systems such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, etc.
  • Have experience and knowledge in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD), capable of designing, configuring, and maintaining CI/CD processes, and familiar with common CI/CD tools and platforms such as GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, Travis CI, Jenkins, etc.
  • Have relevant experience in cloud architecture, familiar with technologies such as Kubernetes (K8S) and Terraform.
  • Have experience in designing and implementing monitoring systems, familiar with common monitoring tools and indicators, such as Prometheus, Grafana, etc.
  • Familiar with log management and analysis tools, able to effectively process log data and troubleshoot issues.
  • Possess knowledge and experience in information security, familiar with common security vulnerabilities and related control measures.
  • Demonstrate strong team collaboration and communication skills, capable of effectively coordinating and solving problems.
  • Possess the ability for self-learning and continuous learning, keeping up with technological developments and changes in emerging tools.
Preferred Qualifications-
  • Have experience using GraphQL, able to design and implement GraphQL APIs, and familiar with related tools and technical ecosystems.
  • Possess management experience with cloud platforms such as Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, etc.
  • Have relevant experience with containerization technologies and container management platforms, such as Docker, GKE (Google Kubernetes Engine), EKS (Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service), etc.
歡迎所有求職者工作資訊工作時間: 日班工作待遇:面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上包括本薪與按月給付之固定津貼及獎金;如房租津貼、交通費、膳食費、水電費、按月發放之工作(生產績效、業績)獎金及全勤獎金等。 達 4 萬元或以上)相關職務薪資工作性質: 全職職務類別:關於前端開發工程師關於全端開發工程師關於雲端架構師工作地點: 桃園市 桃園區 興隆路18號要求條件工作經驗: 3年以上工作經驗學歷限制: 碩士科系限制:公司福利法定項目:勞保、健保、週休二日、陪產檢及陪產假、育嬰假、生理假、特別休假、產假、產檢假、家庭照顧假、員工體檢、勞退提繳金、職災保險、哺乳室福利制度:獎 金 類: 分紅入股、年終獎金休 假 類: 旅遊假保 險 類: 員工團保交 通 類: 員工停車位或停車補助設 備 類: 員工健身房、員工餐廳、按摩室娛 樂 類: 家庭日補 助 類: 員工結婚補助、生育補助、國內、外旅遊補助、社團補助其 他 類: 員工在職教育訓練更多說明:台達電子視員工為最重要的資產,向來注重人才培訓,我們提供訓練培育課程以滿足不同國家及地區員工之各種需求,從改進個別員工技能到培育管理領導者才能的訓練培育體系如下:1. 新人訓練
2. 專業/職能訓練:研發及工程、行銷/銷售、財務/管理、進出口/採購、資訊科技等專業訓練
3. 管理才能訓練:基層、中階及高階管理訓練
4. 通識教育訓練:公司價值觀、顧客滿意、品質、安全及衛生
5. 專案導向訓練:企業議題討論會/研討會
6. 自我發展訓練:語言課程、數位學習為提供同仁們整合性更高的教育訓練系統,台達在台灣區人資網站上新成立了學習與發展社群,以學習者為中心,提供學員所需的訓練資訊包含課程公告、外訓課程介紹、線上教材,並整合常見問題以解決疑問。另我們亦設有「學習評核區」,得以隨時於線上評量學習成果並由系統記錄之。◎ 多元學習環境
-鼓勵學習的組織及環境◎ 與國際接軌之員工個人發展
-管理與技術職之雙軌晉升◎ 績效導向之薪酬
-公司營運獲利分享的奬金紅利◎ 福利及生活照顧
