
  • Xizhi, New Taipei City
  • Permanent
  • Full-time
  • 18 days ago
全職大學、碩士面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上)應徵人數:需求人數: 1 ~ 3人到職日:一個月內全職 大學、碩士 面議(經常性薪資達 4 萬元或以上) 新北市 汐止區 新台五路工作內容▶ OVERVIEWWe are seeking a experienced Quality Assurance Engineer to join our IT team, specifically focusing on the development and maintenance of our Single Sign-On (SSO) feature. In this role, you will work in a global team and be responsible for verifying and validating seamless authentication and authorization processes across Garmin's suite of web applications.▶ POSITION SUMMARYDevelops moderately complex software, creates and executes designs for small sets of new functionality.▶ ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS1. Develops moderately complex software in Java, Javascript, PL/SQL or other selected languages for Garmin products and/or applications consistently following Garmin's coding standards and in accordance with applicable software development methodology and release processes2. Utilizes software engineering tools such as configuration management systems, build processes, and debuggers in the software development process3. Creates and executes designs for small sets of new functionality as part of a software project4. Collaborates and adds value through participation in peer code reviews, providing comments and suggestions5. Provides reliable solutions to a variety of problems using sound problem solving techniques6. Performs technical root cause analysis and outlines corrective action for given problems7. Estimate level of effort, evaluate new options of similar technology, offer suggestions to improve processes and/or existing tools8. Works collaboratively and professionally with other Garmin associates in cross functional teams to achieve goals9. Apply a sense of urgency, commitment and focus on the right priorities in developing solutions in a timely fashion▶ OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES1. Review product and/or application information including manuals and brochures for technical accuracy2. Participate in product and/or application definition activities including feature analysis and system trade-offs3. Perform other duties as necessary as required by supervisor.▶ EDUCATION EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS REQUIRED1. Master of Science Degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Math or Physics or another relevant engineering/technical field AND a minimum of 1 year relevant experience OR Bachelor of Science Degree in any of the fields noted above AND a minimum of 2 year relevant experience OR an equivalent combination of education and relevant experience2. Demonstrates proficient knowledge and utilization of engineering tools necessary for successful performance of the essential functions of this job description3. Must demonstrate proficiency and possess experience necessary to develop moderately complex software in Java or other selected languages4. Demonstrates mastery of relevant software engineering tools (configuration management systems, build processes, debuggers, emulators, simulators and logic analyzers)5. Must demonstrate proficient ability to capture and document software requirements▶ DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS1. Strong proficiency in programming languages such as Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and related frameworks (e.g., Spring boot, Vue).2. Previous experience working in a team environment3. Experience with Agile development methodologies.歡迎所有求職者工作資訊工作時間: 日班工作待遇:面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上包括本薪與按月給付之固定津貼及獎金;如房租津貼、交通費、膳食費、水電費、按月發放之工作(生產績效、業績)獎金及全勤獎金等。 達 4 萬元或以上)相關職務薪資工作性質: 全職職務類別:關於軟體工程師工作地點: 新北市 汐止區 新台五路一段97號37樓(B棟)要求條件工作經驗: 2年以上工作經驗學歷限制: 大學、碩士科系限制:語言能力:聽 精通說 精通讀 精通寫 精通附加條件:▶ 擅長工具
1. Java/SpringBoot
2. JavaScript/HTML/CSS
3. Vue.js
4. Jira
5. Git/Bitbucket
6. Docker/K8S
7. Relational database其它說明:需出差公司福利法定項目:勞保、健保福利制度:獎 金 類: 年節獎金、年終獎金、績效獎金保 險 類: 員工團保、眷屬團保餐 飲 類: 伙食津貼居 住 類: 員工宿舍交 通 類: 上下班交通車、員工停車位或停車補助設 備 類: 員工健身房、員工餐廳娛 樂 類: 國內旅遊、尾牙補 助 類: 員工結婚補助、生育補助、子女教育補助、員工國內、外進修補助、員工及眷屬喪葬補助、員工購物優惠、國內、外旅遊補助、社團補助其 他 類: 員工在職教育訓練更多說明:【Garmin Benefits】 整體薪酬以績效為導向,具市場競爭力。
● 端午、年終、年度績效獎金
● Garmin員購折扣
● 員工股票認購計畫
● 生日禮金、中秋禮金、婚喪喜慶補助金、同仁在學補助金、 子女獎助學金
● 設有員工餐廳、交通車
● 設有員工宿舍及汽機車停車位供申請【Garmin Health & Wealth】
● 彈性上下班
● 員工協助方案-生活及工作諮詢、健康諮詢及協助
● 團保計畫、差旅險
● 醫護室、定期駐點醫師/物理治療師、定期健康檢查、身心靈相關講座【Garmin Environment】
● 符合人體工學辦公桌椅
● 提供咖啡、茶飲、歡樂點心時間
● 自由彈性、舒適的工作環境【Garmin Life】
● 豐富多元化社團活動
● 運動休閒設施
● 旅遊補助【Garmin Talent Development】
● 新進人員訓練:紮實且豐富的新進訓練課程與活動!
● 專業課程訓練:職務領域精進,掌握工作專業核心!
● 領導管理訓練:帶人帶心,邁向成功的團隊領導者!
● 語言訓練計畫:世界接軌語言訓練,成為國際人才!
● 多元學習管道:課程、活動、線上等多元學習管道!想一窺Garmin的生活嗎?快來Follow我們的官方專頁!注意!福利項目可能依不同職缺有所不同,實際職缺福利請依面試時與公司面談結果為準應徵方式聯絡人員:HR應徵小提醒:合適者將主動通知面試!主動連繫時請您提醒公司人事,您是從1111看到此工作喔!到職日期:一個月內
