康樂服務組長 - 全職 (港幣$3,000迎新獎金)

Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

  • Hong Kong
  • Permanent
  • Full-time
  • 24 days ago
Career with a DifferenceHong Kong Disneyland delivers world-class service and lifetime memories for our Guests. As a Cast Member, you will be an important part of the Disney Show. Working at Hong Kong Disneyland offers you the opportunity to participate in comprehensive training and experience excellent career development opportunities.
Interested in a career with a difference? Join us now!工作概要:
For many of our Guests, staying at one of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort hotels is a dream come true. As one of the team members there, you will be responsible to manage the operation of the Recreation facilities and deliver quality guest service in order to create magical experience for the guests!職責:
  • Supervise and assist Recreation Hosts and Lifeguards to conduct daily operations of recreation facilities and ensure quality guest services are delivered to guests in Check facilities and arrange necessary maintenance
  • Prepare, organize and deliver innovative recreation programs and team building/fun activities for hotel guests and corporate guests
  • Handle administrative tasks including preparation of subordinate's work schedule and daily work record, team log sheet, recreation activity schedule and etc
  • Organize team training programs and conduct training to new hires
  • Assist in procurement of team operation materials
  • Assist Recreation Managers in doing outstanding recreational projects
  • Communication skills – Ensure effectiveness and efficiency when working with colleagues and superiors
  • Ability to communicate in proficient Cantonese, English and Putonghua
  • Good command on written English and Chinese
  • First-aid & AED certificate – For providing first-aid treatment to guests if necessary
工作時間:我們的主題樂園及度假區酒店全年365天運作,因此本職位需要按照由公司編訂的更表輪班。遞交申請:點撃下方的「申請工作」連結,有關職位申請表格將於新的視窗開啓。在填寫表格時,請以英文填寫,並於完成每一頁後按頁底的「下一頁」按鈕,以繼續填寫表格內的所有頁面。填妥後,記緊按表格最後一頁的「申請」按鈕,以遞交申請。關於 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort:
香港迪士尼樂園度假區致力為不同國籍及年齡的賓客呈獻與別不同的迪士尼奇妙體驗。香港是全球第五個設有迪士尼樂園的城市,其優美景致、活力及多元文化啟發幻想工程師創造出多個香港迪士尼樂園獨有的遊樂設施。香港迪士尼樂園共有七個主題區:包括探險世界、幻想世界、灰熊山谷、美國小鎮大街、迷離莊園、明日世界及反斗奇兵大本營。主題區內設有主題遊樂設施、娛樂表演、互動體驗、餐飲服務、商品店舖及小食亭。此外,樂園每天帶來巡遊表演及夜間活動節目。而度假區內設有三間主題酒店,包括香港迪士尼樂園酒店、迪士尼探索家度假酒店、迪士尼好萊塢酒店。至今,樂園度假區已接待逾千萬本地及海外賓客,而據香港旅遊業統計顯示,打從2006年起樂園已是香港五大最受旅客歡迎的景點之一。關於 The Walt Disney Company:
華特迪士尼公司,以及其附屬公司及隸屬機構,是頂尖多元化國際家庭娛樂及媒體企業,業務遍及以下範疇:媒體網絡、樂園及度假區、影城娛樂、消費產品與互動媒體。迪士尼在 1920 年代起步之初,只是一間卡通工作室,發展至今已成為娛樂界的翹楚。迪士尼昂然堅守傳承,繼續為家庭中每位成員創造世界一流的故事及體驗;其故事、人物和體驗於世界各地均家傳戶曉。我們在 40 多個國家地區營運業務,僱員及演藝人員攜手協力,創造全球和當地都珍愛的娛樂體驗。這個職位隸屬於 Hongkong International Theme Parks Limited, 其所屬的業務部門是 Hong Kong Disneyland Resort。
