Chaire junior in "Epidemiology and statistics of high-dimensional data for exposomics and environmental health"

  • Montpellier
  • CDD
  • Temps-plein
  • Il y a 24 jours
Offer DescriptionThe person recruited is a biostatistician having skills in high-dimensional data biostatistics. He/she will help to understand the environmental factors responsible of the development of chronic diseases using mathematical models.ESTABLISHMENT STRATEGYThe CPJ will strengthen the Feed, Protect, Care tripod of the University of Montpellier, and particularly its EXPOS'UM Institute launched in 2023. It will address locally the national incentive to teach and explore environmental health in order to respond to increasingly pressing questions from citizens, guide and support territorial environmental health policies in the Region Occitanie and join the community of environmental health.HOST LABORATORY STRATEGYThe Desbrest Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (IDESP) aims to understand the development and evolution of non-communicable chronic diseases, which affect more than 30% of the population and constitute 80% of healthcare costs. In partnership, the INSERM and the University of Montpellier have created a research unit that aims to design optimized care and prevention routes for patients. The research unit utilizes a new approach taking into account the environment in the broad sense and care trajectories through multimodal and exposomic markers (clinical, biological, behavioral, psychological, social , environmental), relying on statistical analyses dedicated to big data. The first modelling techniques are applied to allergic and respiratory diseases, diabetes, obesity, kidney and vascular diseases, inflammatory rheumatism and cancers.TEACHING PROJECTTeaching statistics applied to health data.The candidate, specialist in biostatistics, will federate the driving forces of the University of Montpellier on environmental health. He/she will work in close collaboration with the teachers in epidemiology/statistics and the clinicians and teacher-researchers of the University of Montpellier. It is not a question of teaching biological omics (reserved for geneticists, epigeneticists, biochemists, microbiologists and toxicologists of the University) but of teaching their statistical analyses, their interpretations and practical applications in the complex medical and societal context leading to the most prevalent chronic diseases and accessible to optimal care and preventive measures.All components of the University of Montpellier, will benefit from teaching on environmental health, for example in the form of internal MOOCs illustrated by workshops, tutorials, and specific modules in masters education programs. The CPJ will contribute to the teaching of the biostatistical part of the interactions between multimodal data of environmental determinants and trajectories.SCIENTIFIC PROJECTAnalyses statistiques appliquées aux données de santé et exposomiques.The CPJ will strengthen the third axis of IDESP. This axis is connected to the other 2 axes (axis 1 on environmental determinants, axis 2 on patient trajectories), it is in close relationship with the Inria-Inserm PreMeDiCal team backed by IDESP.More specifically, the research project will be carried out in the context of the positioning of the exposome in a multi-level framework, generalizing the concept of the exposome so that it is applicable to all levels of the development of chronic non-communicable diseases. The exposure will be considered as a contact event linking the external factors and the biological response. The diseases chosen are those for which the members of IDESP have clinical skills and current (or future) cohorts. Characterization of both sides of this interface will require extensive collaboration between the environmental (exposure-focused) and biological (response-focused) research communities. Functional exposomics, aiming to associate environmental exposure to clinical phenotypes, will complement functional genomics linking genotype to phenotypes. Further characterization of the exposome through sophisticated environmental measurements and its integration with multi-omics molecular profiling (epigenome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, microbiome…) should advance the consideration of phenotypic variance in diseases.Structure's descriptionThe multidisciplinary research IDESP unit is headed by Pascal Demoly (Professor at the University of Montpellier, Coordinator of the University Hospital Department of Pulmonology, Allergy and Thoracic Oncology of the University Hospital of Montpellier) and co-directors Isabella Annesi-Maesano (INSERM Research Director), Nicolas Molinari (Professor at the University of Montpellier and head of biostatistics at the Montpellier University Hospital) and Grégory Ninot (Professor at the University of Montpellier and researcher at the Montpellier Cancer Institute). It is made up of 94 members, 31 of whom authorized to supervise research. It welcomes researchers and practitioners from INSERM, INRIA, the University of Montpellier, the Montpellier University Hospital, the Nîmes University Hospital, the Montpellier Cancer Institute and the University Department of General Medicine of Montpellier.RESOURCES PROVIDED- 200K€ allocated by the ANR, among which 60% at least should be dedicated to payroll expenditure- As part of the research support policy of the University of Montpellier, aid of up to €100K may be provided by the I-SITE Excellence Program (PEI)RequirementsResearch Field Medical sciences » Medicine Education Level PhD or equivalentResearch Field Environmental science Education Level PhD or equivalentResearch Field Mathematics » Algorithms Education Level PhD or equivalentResearch Field Computer science » Modelling tools Education Level PhD or equivalentResearch Field Mathematics » Applied mathematics Education Level PhD or equivalentResearch Field Medical sciences » Medicine Education Level PhD or equivalentLanguages ENGLISHLanguages FRENCHInternal Application form(s) neededFiche de poste UFR Me'decine-BS_IDESP_0.pdfEnglish(284.77 KB - PDF)Additional InformationBenefitsSelection processCONDITIONS FOR APPLYINGSubmission of application on Galaxie website from 05/16/2024 to 08/28/2024 (any incomplete file at the deadline will be refused):File's preparationDeposit of the following documents on Galaxie website:
  • The online application form;
  • A detailed resume with works, articles, and activities related to the profile of the position targeted, mentioning those that the candidate intends to present at the audition;
  • An identity document with photography;
  • A document attesting a PhD grade or a diploma whose equivalence is recognized according to the procedure set out in the « 1° de l'article 5 du décret du 17 décembre 2021 susvisé »
  • The PhD thesis defense report or a certificate from the establishment certifying that no defense report has been established.
  • A copy of each works, articles and achievements mentioned in the analytical presentation in view of the candidate's presentation at the hearing (6 maximum)
The administrative documents and the defence report, written in whole or in part in a foreign language, shall be accompanied by a translation into French, the compliance of which shall be certified by the candidate on the honour. The translation of the analytical presentation is optional and works, articles and achievements in a foreign language may be accompanied by a summary in French.CANDIDATE SELECTION MODALITIESFrom beginning of September to beginning of October 2024:- Examination of application files- Hearing of each selected candidate.The hearing will not include a real-life professional situation.Website for additional job detailsWork Location(s)Number of offers available 1 Company/Institute UFR Médecine Country France City Montpellier Postal Code 34000 GeofieldWhere to apply WebsiteContact CityMontpellier WebsiteStreet163 rue Auguste Broussonnet Postal Code34000 Phone04 11 75 98 41STATUS: EXPIRED