Prezident spoločnosti

  • Bratislava, Bratislavský kraj
  • Dočasný pracovný pomer
  • Plný úväzok
  • Pred 20 dňami
Pracovná oblasť: Manažment, podnikové financie, účtovníctvo, kontrola a štatistikaPočet voľných miest: 1Náplň práce: President Responsibilities:
  • Overseeing budgets, staff, and executives and evaluating the success of the company.
  • Meeting with board members and other executives to assess the direction of the company, develop short and long-term goals, plans, and strategies, and ensure the company's compliance with the stated mission.
  • Overseeing the complete operation of the company and ensuring all goals are met based on the company's strategic plans.
  • Listening to the viewpoints and reports of the company's Vice Presidents or directors and making the final decisions.
  • Maintaining awareness and knowledge of the company's daily finances.
  • Analyzing budgets and financial reports.
  • Updating and revising plans to increase the company's profitability and progress.
  • Creating and maintaining relationships with the community and industry leaders and encouraging business investments.
  • Looking for alliances, mergers, partnerships, and investment opportunities and reviewing and advising on contracts.
  • Maintaining your knowledge of tax liabilities, implications, and exemptions, as well as finances and operations.
Informácie pre uchádzača:Pracovný a mimopracovný pomer: Pracovný pomer na neurčitý časPracovný čas: 10:00 - 19:00Nočná práca: NieSezónna práca: NieZákladná zložka mzdy v eurách (v hrubom): 3 000 €
mesačneDruh voľnej pracovnej pozície: Voľné pracovné miesto v podnikateľskej sfére

Zoznam Kariéra