Logistics manager


  • Київ
  • Постійна
  • Повна зайнятість
  • 18 днів тому
Опис вакансіїHedgeHog is a new generation international recruiting agency that adheres to global standards of organizing work processes.
We specialize in personnel search, adaptation, and development. HedgeHog offices are located in 11 cities across Ukraine.
We collaborate exclusively with verified companies, both Ukrainian and international.
The majority of our clients are logistics companies located in the USA, Mexico, and Europe.
Today, our client, a company in the field of international logistics, is looking to strengthen their team with Logistic specialist.
- English language proficiency at B1 level or above;
- Effective communication skills with clients;
- Negotiation skills;
- Ability to achieve set goals and take responsibility for results;
- Resilience and multitasking abilities;
- Desire to work and grow in the field of logistics.
- Driver coordination;
- Processing orders from clients;
- Communication with drivers, finding an individual approach to each;
- Tracking shipments;
- Control of the process of cargo transportation;
- Reporting.
What We Offer:
- Work in a modern office;
- Working hours: 15:00—01:00, Mon-Fri;
- Career development. We value new solutions, ideas, and trust their implementation in a new role;
- Corporate training;
- Familiarization with American holidays and celebrations, such as Thanksgiving Day;
- Opportunity to get to know the company «from the inside» before making a decision.
Steps to receive a Job Offer:
- Interview with a recruiter;
- Interview with Stakeholder;
- Welcome Day.


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