

  • 福建省漳州市
  • 月薪 人民币6,000-8,000元
  • 长期
  • 全职
  • 27天前
学历要求: 不限
职位性质: 全职 工作经验: 不限
工作地点: 漳州市
参考月薪: 6000-8000元/月
薪资福利: 五险、住房公积金、带薪年假、加班补贴、住房补贴、餐饮补贴、节日福利、定期体检、员工旅游、全勤奖、工作制服职位职责和职位要求 (Job Responsibilities & Requirements):
【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】
自新版上线以来该单位的简历回复率为13%联系方式联 系 人: HR(HR)
联系电话: (合则约见、谢绝来电)
联系地址: 厦门市同安工业集中区同安园175号(361012)
电子邮件: (请通过系统申请职位,系统会自动把你的应聘简历发给我)
单位地址在2D地图上的标注如下:单位简介公司性质: 民营/私营公司
公司行业: 其他行业
关于上特 About SUNTOP
上特是一家企业,也是一个课堂,一个给人以学习和发展机会的组织。我们相信,只有员工素质和能力不断提升、企业组织不断优化、规章制度不断完善及管理水平不断提升,企业才能不断地发展壮大。因此我们注重建立企业和员工之间的和谐共赢关系,以求企业持续平稳地发展。SUNTOP is an organization; a learning institution, a space that provides opportunities for its people to develop their knowledge and skill set. We believe that it is only through continuous improvement of our people's capability, constant optimization of organization structure, upgrading of managerial skill and streamlining of policies that will enable the company to grow progressively. Hence, we pay close attention to establish a harmonious, win-win relationships between our company and people to ensure a conducive environment for business growth.在上特,我们乐于接受更高的挑战,跳出固定思维,拒绝平庸。我们秉承“创新成就未来”的经营理念,走别人没走过的路。At SUNTOP, we welcome challenges, think out of the box and reject mediocrity. We uphold the business philosophy of 'Innovation drives the future' and take the road less traveled.上特展示(厦门)股份有限公司成立于2004年,经过十几年的发展,大量的国际先进理念已经融入企业。上特发展到现今拥有10万多平方米厂房,1000多名员工,公司产品远销全球数十个国家,并得到阿迪达斯、斐乐、宝马、安踏、屈臣氏、七匹狼等国内外知名品牌的认可,成为一家提供高端零售空间解决方案的国际公司,提供高品质的产品及服务。在这里你会有在不同职位上锻炼的机会,你的上司和同事将会给你不断的支持和鼓励,并给你创造良好的发展空间。公司以良好的福利待遇及人性化管理模式赢得了业界的一致好评,欢迎有志之士加入上特大家庭!Suntop (Xiamen) Display System Inc. was founded in 2004. Over 10 years of progress, SUNTOP has infused international management concepts into the business. We occupy more than 100,000 square meters of manufacturing space with over 1,000 associates. SUNTOP has exported its products to dozens of countries, and is recognized at home and abroad by renowned brands such as Adidas, Fila, BMW, Anta, Watsons, Septwolves, etc. SUNTOP has become an international company providing high-end retail solutions, excellent quality products and services. At Suntop, you will have many opportunities for job enhancement, enrichment and enlargement. Your boss and colleagues will give you continuous support and encouragement to stretch your potential. Only companies with favorable welfares and staff-centric management will be highly respected and regarded. We welcome people with ideals to join the SUNTOP family!在这里你将与来自不同行业的聪明人一起工作。你会有在不同职位上锻炼的机会。你的上司和同事将会给你不断的支持和鼓励,并给你创造良好的发展空间。At SUNTOP, you will be given opportunities to work with professionals from different industries, and engagement with different hierarchies. Your superiors and colleagues will give you supports and encouragement, with opportunities for personal growth.上特可以留住你梦想、发挥你的激情。上特给你机会追求你的事业、展现你的技能。
SUNTOP builds your dreams and drives your passion. It gives you the opportunity to pursue your ideal career.我们的薪酬福利 Compensation and Benefit
Five insurances and one Fund: Pension Insurance, Health Insurance, Disability Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Maternity Insurance, and Housing Fund2、公司奖金:年终奖金、年资、鼓励金、月度及年度优秀员工奖、开工红包等;
Bonus: Annual bonus, Annual Salary, Financial incentives, Monthly and annual outstanding employee award, kick-off bonus etc.3、员工福利:生日礼物、节日礼物、员工旅游、趣味运动会、聚餐、购车/购房补贴、通勤车、免费健康体检等;
Benefit: Birthday present, Holiday gift, Staff travel, Sports meeting, Dinner party, Car purchase/house purchase subsidy, Factory commuter bus, free health examination, etc.4、员工活动:闹元宵、象棋/跳棋比赛、书法比赛、庆中秋、表彰暨尾牙晚会等;
Staff activities: Lantern Festival, Chess/draughts competition, Calligraphy competition, Mid-Autumn Festival celebration, Year-end dinner party, etc.5、学习培训:每月提供多元化的培训,拥有良好的晋升渠道,为员工的职业生涯提供更广阔的舞台;
Staff training: Monthly diversified trainings, a good channel of promotion, a broader stage for staff' career;6、提供各种假期:年假、婚假、产假、陪产假、丧假等;
Leave: Annual Leave, Marriage Leave, Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave, funeral leave etc.7、健身设施:篮球场、乒乓球、羽毛球等;
Fitness facilities: basketball court, Table tennis, Badminton, etc.8、通勤车:岛内、集美有厂车接送。
Factory commuter bus: shuttle buses in Jimei district and Xiamen Island.公司地址:厦门市同安工业集中区同安园175号
Company Address: No.175 of Tong'an Park,Tong'an Industrial Concentrated Zone,Xiamen,China上班时间:上午8:30-12:00,下午13:10-17:40,5天工作制
Business hours: 8:30-12:00 13:10-17:40该企业的信用信息可访问 进行查询
