黑色高級皮革名牌店 FULL TIME SALES (雙糧及花紅) #RHK
Recruit Express - Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
Description 黑色高級皮革名牌店 FULL TIME SALES 底薪+ 優厚佣金 + 雙糧及花紅 (20K to 30K) 頭2個月保證佣金7K 銅鑼灣/鴨俐州outlet 8日例假, 放17日銀... Specialization Retail & Luxury Sales Location Hong Kong Island Employment Type Permanent Salary HKD 20, 001- HKD...
March 7
All Round Education Academy Limited - Central, Hong Kong
Full Time Sales Executive Job Highlights hardworking, flexible, tech savvy smart, detail oriented and organized... position Qualification: Degree Yr(s) of Exp: 5+ in sales or related Employment Type: Full Time Job Function...
March 5
Full-time Senior Salespersons / Part-time salespersons
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
of annual leave (Max 14 days) Provide full time Sales attendance bonus HK$500.-/month Part-time Sales Salary up to HK$70/hour...(with two years of experience in women's clothing sales) Provide 7 days per month official holiday & 10 days...
March 4
香氛蠟燭旗艦店 Part time Sales [長翻part time #RHK
Recruit Express - Causeway Bay, Hong Kong - Central, Hong Kong - HK$80.00 per hour
Description 香氛蠟燭旗艦店 Part time Sales [長翻part time HKD 80/ hour 唔包飯鐘錢 地點:尖沙咀/ 中環/銅鑼灣/又一城 (全部都要翻) 一星期3-4日 (一至...日入面) 時間: 9:30-1830/11-8/ 12-9/13-22(跟舖頭再夾) Sales Promoter工作 有活力 幫手整理 對客 推廣 要有零售/Promoter/對客經驗 (luxury brand經驗更好) need ms...
March 2
實用款首飾 Full Time Sales - 五天工作 (高底薪, total高達25-30K) #RHK
Recruit Express - Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Description 實用款首飾 - 五天工作 - FULL TIME SALES 底薪高, total可以高達25-30K 8日例假10天年假 8小時工作 Location :置地/ Timesquare 銅鑼... FMCG, Retail & Luxury Specialization Retail & Luxury Sales Location Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Employment...
February 28