Postdoctoral Researcher for "Arboviruses in Mosquitos"

  • São Paulo - SP
  • Permanente
  • Período integral
  • Há 1 mês
TasksA postdoctoral opportunity for 24 months in "Arboviruses in Mosquitos" within a FAPESP thematic research project is available. The vacancy is open to Brazilians and foreigners. The selected candidate will receive a FAPESP Postdoctoral Fellowship in the amount of R$12,000.00 per month and a Technical Reserve equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship to cover unforeseen expenses directly related to the research activity. The deadline for applications is 17th February 2025.RequirementsThe candidate should hold a PhD and should have prefund knowledge invector research with mosquitoes of the family Culex and/or Aedesdocumented by respective international publication. Further, thecandidate should have experience in infection and transmission studiesof virus infected mosquitoes at the biosafety level 2 and 3 (BSL2 and3). The grant recipient should be fluent in English language and will beresponsible for the following activities: Working in the insectarium atBSL2 and BSL3, mosquito colony maintenance, arbovirus infection ofmosquitoes and drug application, mosquito dissection and identificationof infected cells by fluorescence microscopy, publishing articles injournals and presenting results at conferences. Candidates should sendtheir application comprising the below listed documents via email.
  • CV in the FAPESP format; • Cover letter with research interests and experiences (2 pages in English, PDF); • Lattes CV (PDF); • Contact details of two (international) references (name, email, institution).
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo