One or more Associate Professor or Assistant Professor in Urban design
Aalborg Universitet - Aalborg, Nordjylland
applications for one or more positions as Associate Professor or Assistant Professor in the field of Urban Design as per 1st... position, you must meet . Shortlisting will be used. Job description as Assistant Professor Your job responsibilites...
14 Marts
One or more Assistant- or Associate Professor in Music
Aalborg Universitet - Aalborg, Nordjylland
, one or more position as either Assistant- or Associate Professor in music will be open for appointment 1st of August 2025..., or as soon as possible after this date. Jobbeskrivelse If the applicant is employed as Assistant Professor, the employment will be a fixed term...
2 Marts
One or more Assistant Professor(s) in Model-based Manufacturing Systems
Aalborg Universitet - Aalborg, Nordjylland
one or more positions as Assistant Professor in Model-based Manufacturing Systems are open for appointment from 1 May 2025 to 30 April 2028...At the Faculty of Engineering and Science (ENG), Department of Materials and Production at Aalborg University...
1 Marts
Research Assistant or Post-Doctoral Researcher in Medical Data Integration (DKW)
Aalborg Universitet - Aalborg, Nordjylland
, Aalborg University Hospital. Your competences As a research assistant: you have an MSc degree in computer science...The Data, Knowledge, and Web Engineering group, Department of Computer Science, The Technical Faculty of IT and Design...
15 Marts
Associate Professor in Rehabilitation Robotics and Engineering
Aalborg Universitet - Aalborg, Nordjylland
At the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Science and Technology, a position as Associate Professor... At Department of Health Science and Technology we conduct research, teaching and innovation within engineering, biomedicine, sports...
19 Marts