美商德盟全球凱展股份有限公司台灣分公司 - Jhongli, Taoyuan City - NT$220 per hour
◎工作內容 美式賣場商品行銷與會員服務 食品展售:行銷商品、提供試吃品及使用方式教學 非食品展售:行銷商品、提供商品體驗及使用方式教學 ◎工作時段 日班 09:00~16:00 晚班 13:00~20:00 頭尾班 09:00-13:00+16:00-20:00 (實際工作時間會依賣場作息有所調整) ◎休假日 周休二日 ◎薪資福利: 1. 此為正職職缺,依時薪計薪,時薪$220(到職起薪$220) 2. 正職就業身分,享有法規福利、年資累積 3. 每年依公司營運狀況、考績調薪...
March 4
Element Solutions - Jhongli, Taoyuan City
of the data in SAP related to Customer Service Optimize relationship with customers, sales team, supply chain and partners...-up Management of consignment and GRC sales billing during each month-end closing. Generating accrual and discount...
February 9
Element Solutions - Jhongli, Taoyuan City
of the data in SAP related to Customer Service Optimize relationship with customers, sales team, supply chain and partners...-up Management of consignment and GRC sales billing during each month-end closing. Generating accrual and discount...
February 9